We are sexual beings. Advertisers use this attribute by trying to associate their products and services with sexy imagery hoping that some of the hotness gets attached to their brand in the consumer's subconscious mind.
But is it a good strategy to appeal the product/services to sex?
- Get attentions; Of course everybody are curious about sex, sex in advertising builds on the premise that people are curious about sexuality and that experience in marketing has been that sexuality sells products. From a marketing point of view, sexuality can have biological, emotional/physical or spiritual aspects.
- Impressive; Apart from some other advertising, appeal to sex may make a great impression to audiences, first they memorize your ads, then they will be interest in your product/services.
- Build images; With successful marketing strategies, once sexuality is used in advertising, certain values and attitudes towards sex are necessarily 'sold' along with a product. Which is called "the concept". For example, the message may be that "innocence is sexy" (by Calvin Klein when it uses young people in provocative poses)
- Risk; It's two sides from a coin, abusing your audience's attention is sometimes a dangerous thing. You will never know who's going to watch you ads, is may cause cultural question or morality questions if this strategy is use inappropriately.
- Exaggerate; It often use comics or beautiful photographic skills to catch your attentions, and then trying to sell completely unrelated products, let the audience miss understanding what you are going to sell, or sometimes may feel cheated and talked down to.