Flavor of Chupa Chups
This time Chupa Chups use its double flavor in one candy as the selling point, we can see its very interesting to see such many twins along the street, so it helps stand the feature clearly.
Besides, the company in Japan use a artist which is handsome and optimistic to as the spoke-man, will help raise their sales.
Interactive Mirror
Conceptualized by Alpay Kasal of Lit Studios and Sam Ewen of Interference Inc. Designed/constructed by Alpay Kasal. This is a patent pending touch capable mirror. The interactive mirror features proximity sensors, gesturing, and both nearfield and farfield infrared.
Woo! Very stunning concept, i wish it would be true someday :-D
Are these fashion accessories?
Rat Headband

Must kiss Relay

Geometry of Mind

Sometimes not everybody accept creative.

To promote their exhibition stand at the Franfurt Book Fair, Eichborn the publisher with the fly prepared 200 flies with an ultra light banner. The banner was attached with natural wax. After a short time the banner dropped off by itself. And the flies were not harmed.
In my point of view, that's not as disgusting as it mention. It's a totally new way to promote a company, but one thing to concern is that, it will be quite negative to use flies, i wish the company can consider about using butterflies as alternative.
Linkage of computer and reality

No words but it works

德麥當勞搞顏色革命 紅底黃 M標誌轉綠底 趕上環保大洪流

美國快餐店巨擘麥當勞( McDonald's)傳統紅底黃 M標誌,是全球各地家喻戶曉的著名嘜頭,但德國麥當勞最近大搞顏色革命,將耀眼紅底變成深暗綠色,希望透過新顏色宣揚環保精神,趕上環保大洪流。
德國共百多間的麥當勞快餐店,今年底前便會大變身,除了換上新綠色嘜頭,也會全面翻新餐廳,務求營造環保感覺,當中包括在慕尼黑機場價值 140萬歐元( 1,621萬港元)的旗艦店。
面對批評,麥當勞近年也逐漸走上環保之路,包括使用沒有氟氯碳化物( CFCs)的環保雪櫃,將用過的食油轉為生化柴油燃料,棄用剛開採土地種植的飼料,食物包裝紙有 72%循環再用物料,托盤紙、餐巾和廁紙則是 100%再造紙,最新一招,便是換上深綠色標誌。