IKEA: Facebook tagging
Marketing buzz or simply buzz is a term used in word-of mouth marketing. The interaction of consumers and users of a product or service serve to amplify the original marketing message.
This time, IKEA use a common and famous website --- FACEBOOK to help promoting their products. The advertiser of this campaign are really brilliant, they upload a picture with full of their product, and let the audience tag themselves. Its kinda lucky draw, if somebody are specific tag on the right product, then IKEA will give that product to him/her as a present.
Its successful for product selling, and also the brand building. Since its all depends on the informations transmit through different consumers. All the campaign basic on the interaction between audiences, but IKEA still have great feedback. With the increasing use of the Internet as a research and communications platform, word of mouth has become an even more powerful and useful resource for consumers and marketers.
Chupa Chups: POP your stick to share happiness!

Flavor of Chupa Chups
This time Chupa Chups use its double flavor in one candy as the selling point, we can see its very interesting to see such many twins along the street, so it helps stand the feature clearly.
Besides, the company in Japan use a artist which is handsome and optimistic to as the spoke-man, will help raise their sales.
Interactive Mirror
Conceptualized by Alpay Kasal of Lit Studios and Sam Ewen of Interference Inc. Designed/constructed by Alpay Kasal. This is a patent pending touch capable mirror. The interactive mirror features proximity sensors, gesturing, and both nearfield and farfield infrared.
Woo! Very stunning concept, i wish it would be true someday :-D
Are these fashion accessories?
Rat Headband

Must kiss Relay

Geometry of Mind

Sometimes not everybody accept creative.

To promote their exhibition stand at the Franfurt Book Fair, Eichborn the publisher with the fly prepared 200 flies with an ultra light banner. The banner was attached with natural wax. After a short time the banner dropped off by itself. And the flies were not harmed.
In my point of view, that's not as disgusting as it mention. It's a totally new way to promote a company, but one thing to concern is that, it will be quite negative to use flies, i wish the company can consider about using butterflies as alternative.
Linkage of computer and reality

No words but it works

德麥當勞搞顏色革命 紅底黃 M標誌轉綠底 趕上環保大洪流

美國快餐店巨擘麥當勞( McDonald's)傳統紅底黃 M標誌,是全球各地家喻戶曉的著名嘜頭,但德國麥當勞最近大搞顏色革命,將耀眼紅底變成深暗綠色,希望透過新顏色宣揚環保精神,趕上環保大洪流。
德國共百多間的麥當勞快餐店,今年底前便會大變身,除了換上新綠色嘜頭,也會全面翻新餐廳,務求營造環保感覺,當中包括在慕尼黑機場價值 140萬歐元( 1,621萬港元)的旗艦店。
面對批評,麥當勞近年也逐漸走上環保之路,包括使用沒有氟氯碳化物( CFCs)的環保雪櫃,將用過的食油轉為生化柴油燃料,棄用剛開採土地種植的飼料,食物包裝紙有 72%循環再用物料,托盤紙、餐巾和廁紙則是 100%再造紙,最新一招,便是換上深綠色標誌。

Child Lock.
The advert titled Child Lock was done by KEMPERTRAUTMANN advertising agency for BEATE UHSE TV (BEATE UHSE company) in Germany. It was released in the February 2009. Business sector is Publications & media.
- Agency: Kempertrautmann, Hamburg
Creative Directors: Mathias Lamken, Simon Jasper Philip
Production Company: Sehsucht GmbH
Director: Martin Hess, Ole Peters
Design: Martin Hess, Ole Peters
3D: Heinrich Löwe
Compositing: Martin Hess, Hans-Christoph Schultheiß
Producer: Stephan Reinsch
Music/Sound Design: Thomas Kisser

Chuck is Chupa Chups’ first-ever global mascot. He’s somewhat odd looking and never speaks, but through his lovable chomping of Chupa Chups embodies the phrase ‘life less serious’.
So the economy sucks – CHUCK. So you can’t find matching socks – CHUCK. So the waiter took your glass before you’d finished with the ice – CHUCK. When life seems all too much, when little problems seem like they’re bringing the world down on top of you, when you hear someone shout “WATCH OUT FOR THE DOG S#*!” just as you step in it; stop for a minute, take a deep breath (away from the poop) and think about the almighty mantra of the Chuck: A ‘life less serious’.
If you are interested in Mr. Chuck, you may take a look at: http://chupachuck.com/en/sites/partystore/index.htm
Free funny Chuck stuff for download.
Playing on the typographic

There are many different kinds of ways for advertiser to purchase advertising, apart from using strategy like proportions, comics… etc. A simple way is that by playing typographic.
- Low budget; Ideas are the most important element in this strategy. Without technical photography, beautiful venue for background, or celebrity, the only skills using is the talent.
- Simple; It’s clear for the audiences to get the main message you want to tell, without the disruption of others pictures or text.
- Funny; Playing on the shape or the meanings of words add much fun in daily life, especially the Chinese wordings. It’s own shape can be modify or adding special elements as to fit the concepts of your ads.
- Flat; Without amazing photos or eye-catching retouch skills, people may think its too flat to have an ad like this.
- Too broad; Once the audience is unable to read, it’s lose it functions. Its only suitable for people who were educated.
Sex in advertising

We are sexual beings. Advertisers use this attribute by trying to associate their products and services with sexy imagery hoping that some of the hotness gets attached to their brand in the consumer's subconscious mind.
But is it a good strategy to appeal the product/services to sex?
- Get attentions; Of course everybody are curious about sex, sex in advertising builds on the premise that people are curious about sexuality and that experience in marketing has been that sexuality sells products. From a marketing point of view, sexuality can have biological, emotional/physical or spiritual aspects.
- Impressive; Apart from some other advertising, appeal to sex may make a great impression to audiences, first they memorize your ads, then they will be interest in your product/services.
- Build images; With successful marketing strategies, once sexuality is used in advertising, certain values and attitudes towards sex are necessarily 'sold' along with a product. Which is called "the concept". For example, the message may be that "innocence is sexy" (by Calvin Klein when it uses young people in provocative poses)
- Risk; It's two sides from a coin, abusing your audience's attention is sometimes a dangerous thing. You will never know who's going to watch you ads, is may cause cultural question or morality questions if this strategy is use inappropriately.
- Exaggerate; It often use comics or beautiful photographic skills to catch your attentions, and then trying to sell completely unrelated products, let the audience miss understanding what you are going to sell, or sometimes may feel cheated and talked down to.

In the 1980s, owing to falling birth rates, Chupa Chups target audiences are no longer just kids and teenagers, an anti-smoking slogan "Smoke Chupa Chups" was tried to attract further adult consumers.
Its quite a different style from it's previous campaign and present day campaign, like;
- What a sweet half hour.
- The pleasure of sucking.
- Life less serious
- This time, the target audience change from teenagers and kids to adults, as an alternative to tobacco.
- Its quite a symbolic meaning, since the pose of smoking are similar to sucking Chupa Chups. So it can gain awareness of those smoker to choose sucking Chupa Chups to replace smoking cigarette.
- One thing to notice is that, it use the famous cow boy from well-known cigarette brand, Marlboro, as its celebrity. Therefore, the concept stands out very sharply and impressive.
- On the other hand, the package of this anti-smoking campaign are special. Chupa Chups tried to develop a paper box base on the cigarette box for the Chupa Chups package. It's eye-catching and it also modify the size of Chupa Chups to a mini one, therefore easier for people suck more convenient.
Ambient advertising

Ambient, which means the surrounding area or environment.
Ambient Media started to appear in British media jargon around 1999, but now seems to be firmly established as a standard term within the advertising industry. It is the name given to a new breed of out-of-home products and services determined by some as Non-Traditional or Alternative Media.
- Interesting; It's totally different from traditional media, since it's no longer just stick on a pieces of paper only, instead, this kind of advertising appears in our daily life! They might appears on the handles of supermarket trolleys, the cistern of public toilet, and even on the straw for you to suck!
- Awareness; It's quite difficult for people to ignore those abnormal things surrounding them, which it's the main successful point of ambient advertising. When people walk along the street, once they discover some special advertising, they will memorize it immediately and have deep impression, which helps raise the product/services awareness.
- Specific; Most ambient advertising provide fist experiences to consumers, for example like guerrilla strategy which are unexpected and unconventional establish a relationship with the customer. In order to build trust and support, it focus on understanding the customer's needs, and providing a product that delivers the promised benefits.
- Low budget; Instead of money, the primary investments of this strategy should be time, energy, and imagination. Therefore the ideas and ways to purchase are more important.
- Too exaggerated; The consumer may think the advertisement may not exactly reflecting it's product/ services features.
- Block the public area; Sometimes, creative cost area. The sticker/stuff of ambient advertising will block the public area as to purchase their effects of campaign. Some people may feel uncomfortable or disgusting surrounding by those advertising, it makes backfire which are not expected.
How come CHUPA CHUPS??

First came the idea. But a great idea deserves a great name. The very first name of the lollipop was GOL, Spanish for "goal", due to the lollipop's resemblance to a football. But Enric Bernat was not totally convinced with this name and decided to resort to an advertising agency. The outcome of several brainstorming sessions came up with three options: PALS, ROLS and CHUPS. Enric Bernat finally chose "CHUPS".
However, the name story does not end here.
In order to advertise their lollipops, the young entrepreneur and his colleagues created a song that was played on the radio.
It went something like this....
Toma un dulce caramelo,
paladea un Chupa Chups.
Es redondo y dura mucho,
toma un dulce Chupa Chups
Un palito lo sostiene
para no mancharte tu.
Alimenta y gusta mucho,
cómprate tu Chupa Chups
Gira que te gira,
rueda que te rueda,
de gusto y dulzura
su sabor me llena.
Su sabor me llena
de satisfacción,
por eso al tomarlo
canto esta canción.
Toma un dulce caramelo,
paladea un Chupa Chups
Es redondo y dura mucho,
toma un dulce Chupa Chups
Un palito lo sostiene
para no mancharte tu.
Alimenta y gusta mucho,
cómprate tu Chupa Chups
Toma un dulce caramelo,
paladea un Chupa Chups
Es redondo y dura mucho,
toma un dulce Chupa Chups
Un palito lo sostiene
para no mancharte tu.
Alimenta y gusta mucho,
cómprate tu Chupa Chups
Muy poquito a poco
se va deshaciendo y
mientras lo como
me voy divirtiendo.
Tan grande y redondo
se parece a un sol,
La bola del mundo
Puesta en un bastón!
Toma un dulce caramelo,
paladea un Chupa Chups
Es redondo y dura mucho,
toma un dulce Chupa Chups
Un palito lo sostiene
para no mancharte tu.
Alimenta y gusta mucho,
cómprate tu Chupa Chups (x3).
Get something sweet to lick
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's round and lasts so long
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's on a stick
So you stay clean
It feeds you and you'll love it
Buy your Chupa Chups
It just spins and spins
Going round and round
It's so sweet and yummy
It will fill you up with taste.
Its taste fills me up
With satisfaction
That's why when I eat it
I sing this song
Get something sweet to lick
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's round and lasts so long
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's on a stick
So you stay clean
It feeds you and you'll love it
Buy your Chupa Chups
Get something sweet to lick
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's round and lasts so long
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's on a stick
So you stay clean
It feeds you and you'll love it
Buy your Chupa Chups
Ever so little by little
It just melts away
And as I eat it
I have a great time
So big and round
It looks just like the sun
It's the world
On a stick!
Get something sweet to lick
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's round and lasts so long
Savour a Chupa Chups
It's on a stick
So you stay clean
It feeds you and you'll love it
Buy your Chupa Chups
The background of CHUPA CHUPS

In the early 1950s in Spain, a young man called Bernat, the fonder of Chupa Chups who worked for an apple jam factory broached the idea of making lollipops. One day, the investors left, so he took over the company in 1958 and renamed it Chupa Chups.

- The round sweet. Adaptable to any mouth, this is the perfect size and shape for sucking. When the lollipop is swirled around in the mouth, it gets the taste buds busy and enhances the flavour tremendously.
- The stick. The ever-practical stick was originally wooden but thanks to early advances in technology and a forward thinking Research and Development department, this was quickly switched for a more hygienic plastic one.